Unfinished Business Plot

 Writing a novel is hard.

Not putting words down on a page. That's the easy part. Anybody can do that. Making the words make sense is difficult. Getting others interested in those words is even more difficult. 

Making more money than J.K. Rawlings is downright impossible.

That's why my goal is to buy a new TV. 

To that end, I wrote a novel. Two in fact. The first one, mentioned in the title is a Fantasy novel. The main character is transported to another world and wants to go home. I had a writing group critique the novel. Posted it to the website Scribophile and got Beta readers. I sent it to 71 people and by June 6th, 2024 I have received 52 rejections to date. The other places, well I'm not holding my breath. To that end, I'm starting on sending the next novel. I've already sent it to 2 places. Soon I will have 2 rejections...(Too negative:) I hope to have better luck. 

Here is the plot of the novel, if anyone is interested.

Plot Synopsis

Samantha, known as Sam, was a stubborn and headstrong woman. She was sent from 19th-century London to another world. When she arrived, she discovered she was strong enough to crush rocks in her hands. The human King blocked her memory and sent her out with the hero’s party to kill the Demon King. During the final battle, the spell was broken and she betrayed the hero, Akira, and destroyed his Holy Sword, stopping the fight and setting out on a quest to go home. However, Akira wanted revenge. He stole a small dagger from the thief and assassin, Ayasse and stabbed Sam. She was able to escape but was poisoned.

Ayasse found her and administered an antidote, but it was too late. Sam saw visions of her best friend and cousin, Nadia, from London. Ayasse used his shadow powers to transport himself far distances to meet with his master and get a better antidote. Sam, believing he abandoned her, like everyone else in her life, returned to the Demon King’s castle where they treated her for the poison.

Meanwhile, Akira was still bent on revenge. He raised an army and prepared to invade the demon lands. Sam decided to join with the Demon King to repel the human invaders. In a decisive battle with the human armies, Sam crossed swords with Mel, the powerful mage from the hero’s party and lost. Mel delivered Sam to Akira. Sam and Akira had a swordfight, but she was no match for the hero’s powers. If Ayasse hadn’t intervened she would have died. Akira was badly injured and he, along with Mel escaped. Part of Sam wanted to chase him down, but she knew if she did that, she’d never get home. So, saying goodbye to her friends, she returned to the human kingdom and forced the human King to reveal where the portal to her world existed. Sneaking in, she made it through only to be confronted by her guardian, and Nadia’s father, Lord Robert. Lord Robert had Sam captured. He revealed that he was responsible for the death of Sam’s parents and had wanted her dead, but could use her for his schemes. They fought and Sam was shot in the stomach.

At the hospital, Sam woke up tied to a bed. She was informed that there would be a brain surgery scheduled, once she healed from the gunshot wound. Drugged, she couldn’t escape until Ayasse appeared. He’d followed her. He still had the original cure from his master and it was able to counter the drugs in her system. Sam escaped and confronted Lord Robert with the help of her father’s old research partner. To defeat him, she contacted the tax office and reported that Lord Robert wasn’t paying the right amount of taxes. Lord Robert was arrested but escaped to Relancia. Somehow, he had gained magic powers.

After that Sam confronted Nadia. Her face had been scarred in the accident that sent Sam to the other world and her legs had been crushed. She could no longer walk. Nadia didn’t hate Sam but didn’t want her best friend to see her struggles. Part of Nadia was happy she was in another world. Sam was home, but realizing that Ayasse had to go back, decided to join him with a new mission. She would hunt down Akira, and Robert and find medicine to fix Nadia’s legs. Her world had technology, but Ayasse’s world had magic and it could heal many things.





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