The Story of a Woman Transmigrated to Another World Who Just Wants to go Home

 Unfinished Business 

Chapter 1   

“Leave us in peace, you useless worms!”

The Demon King's explosive spell rocked the dark castle stone walls causing them to sway and shift in position. Dust filtered down from the extensive tapestries crisscrossing the ceiling, blanketing the brown and green carpets. The cramped throne room magnified the force of the Demon King’s blast, launching the four heroes through the air, and hurling them across the opulent room.

Sam was flung to the far side of the Demon King, opposite the other three. Using her incomplete training to roll in the air, she landed on her shield, grunting at her impact with the floor. Her heavy armour dragged her down like a stone. She clenched her teeth at the pain.

Gritting her teeth, Sam jumped to her feet and faced the powerful King. The Demon towered over the other heroes, standing three heads above her. She was the tallest person in the kingdom but felt puny next to him. Clad in blood-red armour, the Demon King held a magic sword capable of releasing shadowy demons to do his bidding. While not as hideous as the rumours said, his presence was commanding with his huge tusks jutting up from his bottom jaw and an upturned snout. Sam felt an air of dignity coming from him she hadn’t felt in a long time. It made her want to face him without resorting to the tricks Akira liked to use.

“Are you guys hurt?” Sam yelled. She couldn’t move from her position. Without her defensive skills, the damage would have been much greater. The Demon King’s inferno spell turned bone to ash in seconds. Her shield was the only defence they had against it. The special metal and spells infused in it were strong enough to take almost any punishment. Her God-given strength could handle the rest.

Sam clenched her full-body-length shield in one hand and pounded on it with her iron mace in the other. She crouched in front of the Demon King, drawing his attention. They had waded through the blood of a battalion of soldiers to get here. There was no backing out now.

Akira and Mel had landed on the opposite side of the king. She couldn’t see where Ayasse was. He must have escaped through the shadows. His special powers gave him an advantage in escaping. As a thief, he wasn’t good in a close-quarter fight anyway. The other two were shaking off the blast and getting into position. Unlike Sam, they had the benefit of years of experience. Before the fight started, she saw Rock climb into the alcove near the door. He needed a good vantage point for his arrows and to escape, if necessary. She never trusted him. That coward always took the easy way out.

She couldn’t shake the feeling of having both a target on her front and back. The Demon King was waving his hand to cast his next spell. Unlike Mel, he didn’t need more than a few seconds to finish his magic. Sam’s moved into position to block him.

“Keep an eye for an opening, Rock,” Sam yelled to the archer. “And don’t hit me this time!”

“Watch your own position, bitch. Stop telling me what to do!” he shouted. She knew if it weren’t for their leader Akira, they would’ve probably killed each other long before this.

“Shut it, you two,” Akira ordered, thrusting his sword through another shadow. Turning to the white, wispy-haired mage to his right he said, “Mel, is that spell ready? I need to be able to get in there. Sam can’t hold him back forever.”

Akira stood beside Mel; sword ready to block any attempts to interrupt the spell. The Demon King’s shadow minions were trying to force their way to her, to prevent her from finishing it. However, one touch of the Holy Sword sent them scurrying away. This spell was the team’s secret weapon. It combined a rare lightning spell with a shield one. The two were incompatible and difficult to perform. They had traded dearly for it.

Of the five members of the hero’s party, Mel was the only one who couldn’t fight to save her life. When she used her magic, though, she was unstoppable.

“Give me a few minutes more,” Mel closed her eyes and continued setting up the spell. “My preparations are complete. Keep them off of me until I finish the chants, or I could kill us all.”

“Give up,” the Demon King shouted. “You won’t defeat me!” With his great sword, he knocked two more of Rock’s arrows out of the air and sent more of his shadow ghost-like minions at the archer. Turning to Sam, he raised his right hand and blasted another Inferno fireball at her.

Her shield was able to absorb the heat. Her armour was another thing. Sam could feel it burning her from the inside as the king poured all his energy into the spell.

“Sam!” Akira yelled, taking a step towards her. He was blocked by three more of the Demon King's shadow minions.

“Dammit! Get that spell off! Hurry!” she screamed. The armour straps were burning, passing to the chain mail underneath. The heat from the molten metal seared into her skin. The scent of burnt meat filled the air. “I can’t take it much longer!”

“Mel’s doing the best she can, Sam!  A few more minutes,” Akira yelled, blasting another shadow demon. “Ayasse, Rock, can you take some of the pressure? We need more time.” Arrows and a knife flew through the air, only to bounce off the Demon King’s armour. Dammit!

“Already on it,” a voice came from the darkness behind Sam. Immediately after, a hand reached through the darkness below the Demon King to slice the back of his leg where the armour was strapped. It was Ayasse’s special skill. Only he could move through the shadows.

Grunting, the Demon King reached back and shot another small fireball at the thief, missing him. Ayasse’s hand disappeared back into the shadow. The Demon King staggered as the gash left by the dagger covered his foot in blood.

 Sam dropped her white-hot shield, and her melted mace and jumped back. She had to shuck off her armour before it burned her further. The breastplate was useless now. Only her inner chain mail was left. She didn’t need the mace to stand up against the Demon King’s power, but she wasn’t invincible. She needed that shield. It was able to withstand even the fires of hell. That last attack had almost destroyed her.

Looking up, she saw the Demon King directly in front of her. Everything changed. Sam’s world started to move in slow motion as she took in all the details. She watched him draw back his sword, and swing it at her chest, his face locked in rage. She had time to grab her burning shield and bring her arms up to block the swing before it shattered the weakened metal and sent her flying across the room, through the back wall.

The impact drove everything from her chest, as time returned to normal.

The carved stone relief showing a summer field of flowers crumbled directly on top of Sam, burying her under a ton of brick and stone.

This wasn’t how today was supposed to happen.

Sam heard Akira’s muffled shout as the stone blocks smashed her head.




Sam watched the Demon King's castle from her vantage point in the black tree, the wind blowing through her short blond hair bringing a scent of rain falling on a summer field. She tried to remember the name of the flower but failed. There was still too much missing from her memory even after a year.

 She was glad to be out of her armour. The summer heat made it sticky and the breeze was a welcome relief. After jumping to the top, she stared at the oddly shaped building as the red sun set behind it, seeming to set it on fire. She was hidden from sight by the wide black leaves and could stare at its harsh beauty for hours. The castle roof was slanted, curling to a point, like a cresting wave. It was so unlike the simple straight lines in the kingdom of Relancia. The walls here also looked thicker. However, this far out it was hard to tell.

She played with the leaves, marvelling at the feel even as they looked wrong. The trees themselves were as real as the ones back in Relancia. They even smelled the same, like a fresh summer day. It was said in the human lands, that this black forest reflected the black hearts of the demons. Sam frowned at the sight of it. While there were different shades, black was black—the wrong colour for leaves. There was no way this land should have survived.

Looking out over the orange sky, she felt lighter than ever without her armour and shield. If she could fly, maybe she could find a better place to be than a battlefield. She hated fighting with her fists.

This was the last moment of freedom before the battle with the Demon King.

The five members of her team were preparing to take him on to save the human lands from his oppression. She had no idea how the fight started. When she’d asked some of the scholars in Relancia, all they said was that the demons couldn’t stand living next to a race of people that looked like them. Others she’d talked to implied that humans distrusted any race that had a different face than they did. Sam could see that. After all, the demons resembled wild boars. She didn’t hate them but found their faces strange. Whatever the cause, it raged across many lands, taking the lives of countless innocents on both sides. After tonight, the war would be over, God willing.

Fighting didn't come naturally to her, unlike the rest of the team. Maybe things would be different if she got her memories back. It was difficult to hurt people and rage helped push her over the edge. Recently, she felt herself living on the edge of a cliff ready to leap off and blast the sky.

 Hanging over the branch, Sam rested her chin on her hands and thought back on the destruction she'd seen. About six months ago, the village on the border was the worst. She had cried at the devastation that bastard's minions had wrought. If only her team had arrived earlier, they could have prevented the slaughter. An ambush had delayed them, destroyed Rock’s supply of potions and injured her. They had to leave her behind, but the delay had been fatal. She watched the other four go ahead, pounding the ground in her anger. It was her fault, no matter what Akira said. That monster had killed women and children for the crime of intermarrying with demons. She hadn’t slept well since then.

"Come down from there before someone sees you." Sam heard Akira shout up from the bottom of the tree. He wasn't worried about scouts on the ground this close to the castle. Mel's warding spell saw to that. Up in a tree was a different story. Her blond hair was a beacon, if anybody looked up.

He was their leader, her lover, and Sam knew he wanted to be more. So did she, but something was off. They had spent much time dreaming of the world after the Demon King was destroyed. She had trusted him with her soul but didn't want to be near him now. The last mission to gain the magic spell Mel needed left a bad taste in her mouth. Before that, they had been having trouble, but now Sam didn't know if she could forgive him for what he'd made her do. Maybe someday.

"I wanted to see where we were going." Sam jumped down, landing beside Akira with a loud thump! Akira stumbled and grabbed hold of a tree to keep from falling. He failed. She giggled at the sight of the great hero, wielder of the Holy Sword, rubbing his ass. Getting to his feet, he scowled at her. He was always so worried about his image, even when there was nobody to see it. Deflating his ego was one of her small pleasures. Hiding her smile, Sam picked up her armour.

She held it out at arm's length and frowned. No matter what she did, the heavy plate and chain mail never fit right. She stood a head taller than everyone else, even Akira and he was taller than most people. In addition, with the size of her shoulders and chest, she had to get everything custom-made. As the team’s powerhouse, she was in the front of the battle and needed the strongest armour she could find. That usually involved a sweaty man arguing with her as they pawed her, under the guise of taking measurements. They couldn’t believe she was stronger than most men in the country. All the armourists cared about was upholding tradition and copping a cheap feel.

"Rock is handling the scouting. Besides, his tracking skills are far greater than yours ever will be. Why didn't you take up his offer to learn them?" Akira asked.

Sam grimaced. Why wouldn’t he stop trying to tell her what to do?

"No! I can't stand that man. I hated him when we first met and that will never change." Sam grumbled as she put her armour back on. "Rock's lucky all I did was break his jaw."

Akira grimaced. "Very well, as long as it doesn't interfere with the mission." He ran his hand through his black hair and adjusted his sword. Sam had never touched the Holy Sword, he made sure of that. Its very presence filled her with awe. If she was being honest as well, something scared her about the blade.

Not Akira, though. He was a handsome man, all the girls swooned at his feet when they entered a town. He was also one of the youngest ever to be considered for the title of Sword Master.

"Where's Ayasse?" Sam asked him. The short, black-clad thief was the most interesting among the other four. Quiet, thoughtful, and mysterious. Usually, she couldn't get him alone long enough to find out anything.

She thought she couldn't trust him the first time she met him. Hell, he was a thief and maybe an assassin. According to the rumours, his body count was in the hundreds. She had no idea why he was with the group until she saw him in action. He had the power to move through the shadows and pop out when you least expected it. Sam could never figure out how he did that, and he would never explain.

She wanted to try to do it at least once.

"He's scouting with Rock. They are looking for the best ways to approach the castle without getting into many useless fights," Akira responded. "Mel needs to save her power for the actual battle."

"Good. I hate fighting." Sam adjusted the straps on her armour, tightening the fit to get it perfect. Everything she wore chafed. "Let's go back to camp."

"For someone so strong, that's surprising. I thought you'd get off on it?" Akira asked, stepping around a tree. "You did before when we were kids in Goido."

Sam paused. "I don't think so. I don't mind fighting for a good reason, but I'd rather not do it if I don’t have to. Violence for its own sake, doesn't seem right. Maybe it has something to do with my missing memories. Before the last year, there was a blank. If it wasn't for Akira filling in the time about their childhood together, she'd have nothing.

"Maybe. After the Kolori empire destroyed the village, we were separated. I had no idea what happened to you then. When we reconnected in Relancia, you'd changed a lot. I barely recognized you," Akira joked, leading her to the meal he had prepared. He never talked much about Kolori. Sam could feel an underlying tension in his words, how he always changed the subject when it came up.

Mel was already eating when they got to the fire. It was camp food, but if you closed your eyes, and imagined it was a restaurant, anything warm was welcome.

"How's the food, Mel?" Sam asked the thin, white-haired mage. Where Sam's short, straw blond hair was always a mess, Mel kept her hair clean and straight. The image played on Sam's memories. There was something about that action that stayed hidden, tantalizing, just out of reach. She could never figure out why. Sam wanted to get closer to the woman, she was the only other female in the party after all.

Mel always shut her down.

"Hot," Mel replied and went back to eating. Sam could never get much more out of her. Maybe the thin mage hated Sam's oversized, muscular body. Her arms were larger than Mel's head. For some, that could be intimidating.

The first time Sam saw Melisia, or Mel, to the party, chant a spell she wanted to know magic. Sam tried to do the same kind of chants and hand waving but gave up doing it in public when Mel wouldn’t stop laughing at her. When she looked at the books on magic the first page drove her away. The words were too difficult. Even with the pictures showing where to put your fingers she could never get the movements right and failed to generate a spark. She carried fire sticks that she had gotten from a market in one of the outer cities in her pouch to light any fires and pretended they were magic.

"Why can't I do magic?" Sam had asked the magic school one day. They laughed at her and said she lacked the mana necessary. If anything, it tested at zero. They thought that all of her power went to her strength. Sam was able to crush rocks and jump small buildings. In a fight she would often just grab the sword and break it in two.

"Rock's back." Akira pointed at the man coming back through the trees, breaking the silence. Sam glanced at the tall, green-clad archer and rolled her eyes. In the forests back home, his outfit would let him hide. Here, in the black woods, he stood out more than her blond hair.

Sam ignored him as he took some food. "There are no patrols between here and the castle. It's as if they're asking us to invade." Rock took a bite, spitting food everywhere as he continued to talk. "I saw some signs of a Siguma, but it was weeks old. Even so, I stayed clear of it and plotted a safer way to the castle."

Mel made a disgusted face and moved away. Sam turned up her nose as if she was blocking a smell. He always leered at her and never looked at her in the face. She hated to admit that there wasn't a better archer in the kingdom, and his tracking skills were master-class. When they were looking for the final spell, he was the one who spotted the broken twig that led them to the old sorcerer. However, he ran from every fight. As an archer, he could hit a target across a valley. When faced with a monster he would let others deal with it, always.

Rock swallowed, then started picking his teeth with an extra arrowhead. "I've stocked up on potions. I have some healing, poison, and recovery potions, however only one mana potion. Those were too hard to get. Akira, do you want to carry it?" Rock asked, handing it to him.

"I’m sure he would, but you know that if I use strong magic near any potion, it renders them useless," Mel scoffed. “Akira’s primary mission will be to protect me while I cast the spell. He can’t have that with him.” Her face was frozen, almost as if she was a stone golem. Rock lowered his hand and put the potion back into his bag. Sam could have sworn he mumbled something.

"That's okay Mel. We'll get it to you if you need it," Akira said, putting his hand on Rock's shoulder. "Rock, we trust you with the potions. You'll make us proud." Rock looked up; a smile filled his face.

 He was so easy to please sometimes, Sam snorted.

Akira waved for everybody to join him around the crackling fire. "This will be a difficult fight and we may die. Tonight, we'll face the Demon King to destroy his power forever with my Holy Sword. If it’s this group, I know we'll prevail. We have justice on our side. It’s written in the stars that justice always prevails. Finish up your preparations. We leave within the hour when the second moon starts to rise."

When they left the huddle, Sam saw Ayasse sitting just off to the side under some of the dark leaves. With his black clothes, he blended in completely with the scenery. "When did you come back?" she asked.

"When Akira called the group together," he said.

"Why didn't you join us?" Sam asked.

"I did."

Sam bit her lip. He was also almost as difficult to talk to as Mel, but never completely shut her out.

"That's okay Sam. I saw him come in, that's why I called the meeting." Akira stepped up to Ayasse. "I have to talk with him privately. Get ready, okay."

"Sure, Pooky," she chuckled. Akira hated it when she called him that and would crinkle his nose at her. She would save it up for when he was being the most annoying, to let him know he was pushing it.

Sam had already checked her shield and mace, testing their durability, but she could do it again. She watched the two of them head off into the forest away from the others. Part of her wanted to follow and listen to find out what they were talking about. No. I can't do that. Trust was important if they were going to get past this dark spot. He wouldn't lie to her.

"Are you ready?" Rock asked Sam, sliding up next to her. He was so silent that it was hard to notice him at times. Every time he just appeared a small shiver went down her back.

"Yes, I am. Are you ready?" Sam stepped away from him and clenched her fists. She didn’t have to force herself when she talked to him. Rage was always present. Now was not the time to indulge herself, though, not when they were so close.

"Yes. After this is over, do you want to get a drink to celebrate?" Sam couldn't believe him. She shuddered remembering the last time he'd tried that.

"Yes, but not with you. Now go away," Sam dismissed the man with a wave. He stood there, staring at her. She thought he was going to cry.

"One day, you'll realize you need me and I won't be there. On that day I'll laugh in your face." Rock scoffed at her and went to his bows. He had his preparations to take care of.

"I would sooner kiss a poku." Sam picked up her iron mace and flipped it in the air, catching it with her other hand. She rapped her shield a few times with it and then felt where she hit. No damage. The metal felt as smooth as before. Whatever it was made of was powerful. It tickled at her memory—something to do with her lost time.

“No matter. I can’t do anything about it now,” she shrugged, dismissing the feeling and letting it disappear into the back of her mind.

When Akira came back to the campsite with Ayasse, she was dancing to go. They had left their horses behind at the previous campsite, making their way to this point on foot. It would take them the rest of the night to get into position. Akira's plan called for a sneak attack in the morning when the demons were at their most vulnerable.

"Let's move. We have a monster to destroy!" Akira pointed his sword into the air. Sam and Rock joined him while Ayasse was silent and Mel just stared at the hero. They moved into the forest.


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