Harry Dresden, Changes: Book 12 of the Dresden Files

 Changes is the 12th book in the Harry Dresden series by Jim Butcher. The story of the hard-boiled wizard living in Chicago has come to an end with his death.

However, that will continue in the next book in the series, Ghost Story.

What happened:

Harry is awakened to the news of his daughter when his half-vampire, ex-lover, Susan calls him to inform him that his daughter's been kidnapped. From there, we have a series of events that reunite the lovers in a desperate attempt to save Harry's little girl, Maggie from the Red Court. Harry calls in all the favours he has and more to gain the power necessary to face the Vampire King in his heart of power.

He of course wins the day, but that doesn't mean it's a good victory.

This book saw Butcher tear Harry down. He loses his house, his cat, his office, his freedom, his coat and finally his life. He gains the beginning of a relationship with Murphy and a daughter it would be too dangerous for him to ever hold only to lose them to a gunshot.

In terms of stories this one grabs hold of you holds you by its teeth and doesn't let you go. I've always enjoyed reading about Dresden and find the stories fun to follow. It's always a pleasure to see what bad luck will befall Harry next. I know the story isn't finished yet so I'm not as sad as I could be, but the ending was heartbreaking and will stick with me.

I wish I could write half as well.


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