The Little Prince

A review of The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Like many people who read `The Little Prince` I too have found some of my favorite quotes, like: 
                Take pleasure in the little things.
                Judge by deeds, not by words.
                Grown ups certainly are strange.
                What we see is nothing but a shell. What is most important is invisible.

The book is easy to read and will only take an hour or two to get through at most. What is important though is how much stays with you.

Some people will laugh at the king who is in control of nothing. He gives orders that he knows people won`t obey but they might so that keeps him going. Some people will feet sad at the geographer who knows everything but won`t step foot outside his door to explore what is there. I know I felt pity at the lamplighter who`s job never ends (kind of like mine) but he can`t stop because he has orders. To defy them would cause chaos.

For the little prince he thought his flower was the most special in the world. And it was his world. However when he got to ours there were so many similar ones that it no longer seemed as special. 

It took him some time to realize that it was special not because he cared for it but because he loved it and it loved him in its own selfish way. That invisible bond between them made it special. Anybody can grow a flower. To love it you must be willing to protect it and cherish it not for what it can do, but for what it is. That is what will stay with me the most.

In the end though I too wish to be able to see the sheep in a box, but maybe I'm too grown up to do that.


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