Priory of the Orange Tree

I'm currently reading The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon. It feels like a mix of ancient Irish culture combined with Chinese mysticism. When I found it there had been many glowing reviews about how wonderful it is and it was on many peoples must read list. The last book I read, Legends and Lattes, was also on that list and I enjoyed it immensely. This one I can't say that. 

The story has 4 main viewpoint characters Ead, Niclays Roos, Loth and Tane. Ead's mission is to protect the queen of a land from danger because as long as she lives the evil dragons can't appear. Loth is the queens best friend who was sent away so she could finally marry. Tane is a dragon rider who made a stupid decision and may lose her highly coveted position. Niclays is a drunk, gambling doctor in exile. 

So far I have read the first 30 chapters but besides the doctor I don't really care for them. Even he is not likable.

Ead has her mission and it is commendable but she is there more for a thousand year old rumor than anything else. While I see her story as a waste of breath  it was cool when she stopped the dragon but there has been little development on that. It was as if 'Oh my god a dragon! Run! What's for dinner?' In addition she thought that the head of security was the one responsible for the assassins that were invading the Queen`s room but when her new husband suggested going outside she didn`t even bring it up in her head as if she just forgot about her previous reservations.

Loth is a weak man who may finally be coming into his own. I am interested to see where his story goes. He may have a bigger role to play.

Tane has achieved her dream but betrayed her friend in the process. Her story is a rages to riches story but I don`t really care for her. She is willing to take responsibility for her mistakes even if it`s too late so that is commendable. 

Niclays is a bad man but I already see the possibility of redemption for him. However he still has further to fall.

Where it's going next I'm not sure. Maybe in the future I`ll come back to it. For now I`ve going to give it up and read something else.


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