Welcome Time Travelers

When I saw a sign posted outside the house said "Welcome all Time Travelers. Free room and Board for all who can prove it."  I thought this had to be checked out so I knocked on the door.

A middle aged woman, with tired eyes and sagging cheeks opened the door. "Yes what do you want?"

"Is this sign for real?"

"Yes it`s for real."

"Can I spend the night? I`m a time traveler."

She raised an eyebrow and said under her breath `3rd one this week` Louder she said "Prove it."

I showed her my pocket watch, how I could wind it up and it kept fairly accurate time. She just sneered and showed me a flashing clock. "You`ll have to do better than that."

I took off my bowler and scratched my head. This was going to be difficult. How can I prove I`m a time traveler when my best evidence failed. I know I pulled out my wallet and showed her my money. It would have the date on it.

"Please, don`t show me that fake stuff. It`s the second time this week. Sheesh. Where do you freaks come from?" She closed the door in my face.

I just shrugged my shoulders.

If she wanted to meet time travelers why couldn`t she accept that they could come from the past just as easily as the present.


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