Opinion: Will humans live on other planets someday?

Will we live on other planets someday? I believe the answer is yes.

Human life is moving towards ever growing complexity. We have completely covered the globe and other than a few extreme areas we can survive anywhere. Disease, while not eradicated, is under control and life spans have increased. We no longer have to worry about dying before puberty and can usually enjoy a long and healthy life.  Technology has also allowed us to expand into the extreme areas so that soon we should be able to see condos even in Antarctica.

However with this growing complexity we have also pushed the planet to a dangerous point. Because we are taking more and more from the earth soon it will run out of the necessary materials to sustain us. When that happens we will have no choice but to push on from this planet and start exploring the solar system. If we don`t then we`ll probably destroy ourselves.

I have heard humanity described as a `Virus` (most notably from the Matrix movies) and that is not far from the truth. Like a virus we adapt, quickly and assimilate new concepts to help us survive. I believe that when we do start moving beyond the stars millions will die. But for each death they will leave just enough behind to help the next people who head out survive just that much longer. Viruses usually do that by reproducing quickly. We can`t go as fast but our culture can. Writing, stories, videos, blogs, and more will all help us gain the necessary materials to survive.

So we will live on other planets. It`s were we are going now and it`s the only way we will survive as a species. It`s only a matter of time. Will it be easy? No. Will it be fun? I don`t know. Will it be safe? Hell no. It will be romantic though and that is enough.


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