Book club

Just joined a site called Goodreads. I will have to check it out. Maybe I should start posting reviews of the books I read. Here`s my first.

Planet Urth Box set book 1

What can I say about this book. The first thing I can say is that the story is good. The premise has potential and I can see it being made as a TV show on one of the channels with cute boys and girls surviving 200 years after the destruction of humanity.

However it lacks characters that are believable. The main character of Avery is a  well developed 17 year old girl but speaks as if she is a robot and can not use contractions, nor casual slang to open up her character. In addition for a fearless warrior she is too full of self doubt that is over expressed to the point of ad-nauseum. As well the younger sister is too weak to have survived for six years in the forest and not to have developed a thicker skin, possibly. She seemed at times to be two different characters. A weak clingy younger sister that I hated and a older that her years wise grandmother who was more interesting. However Avery`s self doubt continues to be expresses even more annoyingly when they meet the three surviving children and Avery expresses an interest in the oldest boy, Will.

The book reads as if it is a love story with snake man monsters and Werewolves as the bad guy which in itself is quite interesting. That said the biggest problem with the story was that it took so long to generate the initial conflict. The first half of the book had no change, nothing that could propel the characters into a new reality beyond a lack of food which could have been dealt with in the first chapter. It took until several chapters into the book for her to even meet the new family which could have been done in the first chapter.

The good: Nice premise and strong female main character who is not afraid to take chances.
The bad: The story takes too long to develop and a reader may shut the book before reaching the good parts.
The ugly: The characters and writing style don`t fit the situation.

Advice: If you want a sci-fi love story that won`t tax your wallet it will fit the bill (being free is a good starting point) but if you want people to pick up the whole series you need to tighten up the story and bring the conflict to the first chapter. As well combining the first two books would go a long way towards giving us a complete story.


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