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The Story of a Woman Transmigrated to Another World Who Just Wants to go Home

  Unfinished Business  Chapter 1    “Leave us in peace, you useless worms!” The Demon King's explosive spell rocked the dark castle stone walls causing them to sway and shift in position. D ust filter ed down from the extensive tapestries crisscrossing the ceiling , blanketing the brown and green carpets. The cramped throne room magnified the force of the Demon King’s blast, launching the four heroes through the air , and hurling them across the opulent room . Sam was flung to the far side of the Demon King, opposite the other three. Using her incomplete training to roll in the air, she landed on her shield , grunting at her impact with the floor . Her heavy armour dragged her down like a stone. She clenched her teeth at the pain. G ritting her teeth , Sam jumped to her feet and faced the powerful King. The Demon towered over the other heroes , standing three heads above her. She was the tallest person in the kingdom but felt puny next to him. Clad in blood-red a

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