Another Fine Myth review

 A popular fantasy series from 1978 by Robert Asprin, Another Fine Myth tells the story of Skeeve from Klath learning magic from the demon looking Aahz from Perv. Puns aside, they get old quickly, the story is a rather simple journey quest. 

Aahz is summed by his old friend Garkin to impress a new apprentice who is not doing very well. Garkin may have just been a bad teacher because soon after Aahz was summoned Garkin was killed. Aahz is left powerless and tries to teach Skeeve magic. Skeeve thrives under Aahz’s teachings and is able to use harder and harder magic. They have to take down the big bad who killed Garkin and set off on an adventure. 

Now that the plot is out of the way, the story. They meet other punny people from Demos, and an easily tricked demon slayer, imps, and of course the evil sorcerer. They get a beautiful assassin and a dragon to join the party and save the day. The ending happens quickly and left me unsatisfied. There was no big battle. No win against unbeatable odds, just ‘oh they’re gone and we have an inn full of wine to drink.’

All of this you can get from Wikipedia. 

When I read it, the story didn’t sing to me. I had no desire to continue reading and put off sleep just to find out what would happen next. The humor was simple and punny rather than sophisticated and deep. I didn’t mind it but I don’t know if I want to read the next book in the series. The older I get the less I am willing to read this kind of story. I want a story that speaks to me, that I can get behind and the standard hero journey doesn’t do it anymore.

If you like this kind of story, and I know my daughter would love the poop fight scene, read it. It’s a nice light fantasy that doesn’t have the forces of light facing the evil darkness. Those kind of stories have also been exhausted in my opinion. It has a problem that is solved in a nice simple way and is enjoyable to read. Don’t expect high fantasy or an enlightenment experience, but do expect to have a smile and a chuckle.

I gave it 3 stars out of 5. A 4 star I might read again. A 5 star I will read again. 3 just means it was a nice time and I will probably donate it to my local used book store. 


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