Hadlar in the Modern World. (Dai`s Big Adventure Fan Fiction)

 Dai`s Big Adventure Fan Fiction

              Hadlar woke from a long sleep. The last thing he remembered was turning to dust in Dai`s arms. They`d had a good fight and he`d finally been able to die with satisfaction. If that was the case then why`d he wake up here? What was going on.

              He looked around the room. All he could see was dark rock. He was in some sort of underground room. The coffin he was in was cramped but he was able to get out once he had pushed the lid off.

              “Fireball.” A light filled the small space showing him exactly where he was, in a sealed room with no exit. “Dammit!” Hadlar quickly extinguished his magic before he used up all the oxygen. He hadn`t been reborn just to die again. Stretching out of the coffin he placed his hands on the rough stone wall. In the dark it was easier. With the light all he could see were the walls. At least this way he could pretend that he was in a large space.

              “I have to get out of here. Aven is alive and I still haven`t gotten my revenge against him.” Hadlar reached up and shot a fireball against the ceiling, only to dodge out of the way when the ball bounced right back at him. “Dammit!” Reaching back he punched the wall in front of him and caused a huge piece to fall off the wall. He continued punching the wall, ignoring the blood that fell from his hands. “I will get out of this prison. Vaan will pay for betraying me. I will kill Aven with my own two hands, and Dai. Dai will die a slow death.”

              He continued to dig through the walls angling upward. Vaan must have locked him deep underground. The Demon God could kill him but he couldn`t destroy him completely. He will get his revenge on everyone who wronged him. Just thinking of the blood he was going to spill brought a smile to his face when suddenly his arm went through the wall and continued up to the elbow. The air that blew through it carried a hint a stale beer and sweat.

              “I must have found a room.” Hadlar quickly removed more of the rock to make the space bigger. He worked harder than ever before. After all this time underground, he needed to experience fresh air. To see the sky. Breaking through the wall he stumbled into a dark room. Lighting a small fireball he took a look around. There were some boxes on a set of strange shelves. They looked like they were made of wood but when he touched them they were smooth. In another corner of the chilled room was a metal monster obliviously used for protection. It appeared to be sleeping so Hadlar quickly turned off his fireball so as to not wake it. However the most confusing thing were a strange pair of metal boxes in the corner much like Zaboira`s monster storage units. He didn`t know what that scum would store in this place but Hadlar smiled. He was back. In another corner were some stairs leading up. Rather flimsy wooden things but they would do. He needed to get out of this place.

              At the top there was a door. Grabbing the handle, he listened at the wooden structure. There was the sound of some explosions but they were muffled, as if through some sort of medium. He couldn`t place them but they sounded a lot like the explosions he would hear from a lightening spell. “I will show them!” he said under his breath. Gripping the knob he thrust open the door. “Bow down before me. I have returned to get my revenge. All…” He was not able to finish as a small ball hit him between the eyes and staggered, he fell back down the stairs to land in front of the metal demon.

              He shook his head as the door slammed behind him. He could have sworn there was something happening on the box in front of the scary woman in a green one piece and her hair in curlers. He turned his ears towards the top of the stairs and he could hear her talking to someone. “Police. Something big and ugly and naked broke into my house. He`s in the basement. I shot him in the head but he`s wearing some sort of armor. The bullet just bounced off. Hurry and send someone to come get him.”

              “What in the Great Lord is going on here.” He said to himself. Looking around he saw a small window in the corner above the metal boxes. Sliding up to them slowly, he didn`t want to wake the monsters, Hadlar looked out and his mouth dropped. There were several large metal boxes sitting along the side of a perfectly manicured green lawn sided by flat stone things. He also saw several of those metal monsters zoom by, going faster than any horse ever could. In addition the clothes these people were wearing. Full of pinks, greens, blues and royal purples but there were no swords nor armor to speak of.

              “I don`t think I`m in the Demon Realm anymore.” He said to himself.

              “He`s down there!” He heard the voice of the woman and a sharp electric current stuck him in the back. It wasn`t enough to actually hurt him but he hadn`t heard the spell. Hadlar turned around and faced the two men at the top of the stairs. He needed to know more and they seemed like soldiers in their uniforms. Maybe they could give him some answers.


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