Who is Jinmu?

Who is the man known as Jinmu? First of all is he actually a  man or someone created to justify taking power?

Known as the first emperor of Japan reigning from 660 BC to 585 BC he is believed to be the grandson of the sun goddess Amaterasu on his father's side. His ancestor descended from the heavens to conquer all under the earth and established the modern, unbroken line which is represented in the current Japanese emperor. 

Or did he? 

One theory said he was a Chinese leader named Wu Taibo who after abdocating his throne came to Japan and set up the first state. Another theory has him existing but his backstory an invention of the Imperial family to justify their existence. The Nihon Shoki and Kojiki, which are historical records compiled around the 7th and 8th century, made mention of him but those records were heavily biased towards legitimizing the royal family. Confucian scholars in the 1700's did everything they could to accept him as real while denying the history of the gods. All are not well regarded theories and most often outright rejected in todays modern scholarship.

First the area. 

Today his grave rests in Kashihara city about 40 minutes south of Nara city by train. Kashihara city is a quiet place with a long history ranging from the founding of the current imperial dynasty in the Asuka era in history to the rise of Imai as a business hub in the Tokugawa era. Kashihara shrine was built on the sight of Jinmu's tomb to celebrate him in the 19th century.  It's a beautiful area surrounded by several mountains and covered in forest. 

An old historical city, during the 7th century Buddhism was first introduced to the country by the Soga family and they established a rivalry which ultimately forced the Imperial line to move away from the area. Kashihara is also known as the beginnings of the Fujiwara clan in addition to being one of the two places where Himiko, the former leader of the Yamatai, could be buried. (The other being in Kyushu) 

Over the next few months I will start exploring different aspects to this quiet place beginning with him. In the next post I will delve deeper into one of the stories about him and begin exploring other exciting stories about the time.

I’m looking forward to learning more about this time in the world.


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