2022 Mission Statment

It`s been five years since I started this writing experiment of mine and in that time I`ve seen many changes come into my life. I`ve lost most of my money and been forced to move back in with my wife's parents. I`ve had incredible row`s with my wife over the way we use our finances. It`s been a tough five years. I`ve been rejected, ignored and insulted. I`ve been told that I`ll never be good enough to actually make it.

But it`s been the greatest five years of my life. Never before have I had the chance to tell my stories. My visions. They are mine and only mine. I`ve had the time of my life creating the stories for people to read. I`ve taken every thing given to me both good and bad and internalized it all. I know that as rough as we`ve had it my vision of the payout has never wavered. I never let that image go and I know that it will see me through. I have five more years to go in this endeavor. Until that time I must continue puting my 100percent into everything and never give up.

June 6th 2022.


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